


逢坂 巌 駒澤大学 法学部准教授





 今回は最後ということで、現在、客員教授をさせていただいているUCD(University College Dublin/アイルランド国立大学ダブリン校)で、現地の学生諸君におこなった私の日本政治についての講義を掲載させていただきたい。私がこの1年、欧州に滞在する中で見えてきた日本政治の姿をアイルランドの学生たちに伝えたものである。私がダブリンの学生たちに通信する日本政治という点では、連載のタイトルからもそれほど外れてはいないだろう。

 講義は、UCD全学学部生を対象とした「Gateways to Japan(ゲートウェイ・トゥー・ジャパン、日本への扉)」という講座の中でおこなった。この講座は私もお世話になっているUCD日本研究センター(センター長:小舘尚文准教授、副センター長Emma Sokell教授)のスタッフが中心になって運営しているものだ。




 UCD日本ソサイエティは現在500名近くの学生が参加しているが、2016年には大学スタッフもUCDジャパンというグループを作り、それが2020年4月の日本研究センターの立ち上げにつながっていった。同センターは欧州において稀有な存在となりつつある日本に特化した研究センターで、日本語能力試験の実施や外国青年招致事業(Japan Exchange and Teaching Program、JET)プログラムの紹介、日本関連セミナーの開催を通じて、日本とアイルランドの具体的な架け橋としても機能している。

 また、日本研究センターのメンバーであるHugo O’Donnell氏が中心となって、毎年4月に「エクスペリエンス・ジャパン」という大規模イベントが開催されている。これは、ダブリン北西のフェニックスパークにあるアイルランドの迎賓館「ファームリーハウス」で花見フェスティバルとして行われるもので、エクスペリエンスの名前通り、日本を体験してもらう様々な催しが目白押しとなっている。

 中でもUCDで誕生した太鼓チームはエクスペリエンス・ジャパン・太鼓チームとしてステージで華麗なバチ捌きを披露し、参加しているダブリン市長やアイルランド政府代表(例えば、現在首相を務めるLeo Varadkar)はじめ、多くの来訪者を感動させている。



 本年度の講座は毎週月曜日に2時間、2コマ(1コマ、1時間)を使って、オムニバス形式で行われている。元駐日アイルランド大使のJohn Neary氏による「東洋と西洋、態度や外交の違い(Difference in Western/Eastern manners, diplomacy )」や小学館取締役で全世界で人気のポケットモンスターのメディアミックス展開の仕掛け人でもある久保雅一氏による「ニューノーマル時代の日本アニメ」といった現場感覚に溢れた講義もあれば、令和2年に日本とアイルランドとの相互理解の促進を理由に外務大臣表彰を受けたUCD歴史学科Declan Downey専任講師の重厚な日本史の講義などバラエティに富んだ構成となっている。

 私が講義をおこなったのは2月20日だった。この時期、アイルランドでは欧州ではラグビーのシックスネーションズが始まっており、大いに盛り上がっていた。そこでタイトルはアイルランドのラグビーのナショナルアンセム「Ireland’s Call アイルランズ・コール(アイルランドからの呼びかけ)」に引っ掛けて、「Japan’s Call – how we have answered, and how we will answer (ジャパンからの呼びかけ:我々はいかに答え、これから答えていくのか)」とした。日本政治が近代において何と戦ってきたのか、そしてこれから何と戦おうとしているのかを、日本のメディアやジャーナリズムについても触れつつ、アイルランドの若者にも理解可能なように話してみたものだ。講義は英語で行ったが、日本語に翻訳している。













 ご紹介があったように、実はアイルランドは2度目です。ここには40年前にきて、ラスガー(Rathgar)に2ヶ月ほどに住んで、それからロンドンの地元の中学校に通いました。父・収は九州大学で英文学を研究しており、彼がサバティカルに家族を伴ったので、私もついてきたのです。父はアイルランド出身の英文学者や詩人、劇作家に興味があり、日本のイエイツ協会の創始にも関わったらしいです。ブレンダン・ビーアン(Brendan Behan)の「Confessions of a Irish Rebel(アイルランドの反逆者)」も日本語訳しました。彼もここUCDでサバティカルをして、そのあとロンドン大学に行きました。

 私の趣味は芝居とラグビーと料理です。見たり食べたりするのも実際にプレーしたり作るのも好きです。芝居は去年8月、アイルランドの西の港町ゴールウェイ(Galway)にブライアン・フリール(Brian Friel)の「トランズレーションズ(Translations)」を見にいき感動しました。また10月にはアイルランドに住む日本語話者の人たちの劇団「Raku楽シアター」に客演参加し、ダブリンのパブの二階にある舞台にたちました












北斎漫画(葛飾北斎) 近代デジタルライブラリー北斎漫画(葛飾北斎)近代デジタルライブラリー


 非常によくまとまった動画だと思いますが、皆さんは締め込み姿をいかが感じましたか? 最後の台湾からの人が言っていた、侍の精神というか、何かしらの野蛮さや好戦性は今でも残っているのかもしれません。しかし、いずれにせよ、当時の文明国の中国や朝鮮からするとこのような裸に寛容な日本の文化は恥ずかしいこととされ、日本が劣っている、「野蛮国」の理由だとされていました。



近代の日本と戦争 Modern Japan and its war

1894 日清戦争 First Sino-Japanese War
1895 台湾植民地化 Colonized Taiwan
1904 日露戦争 Russo-Japanese War
1910 韓国併合 Colonized Korea
1914 第1次世界大戦 World War I
1931 満州事変 Invaded Manchuria
1937 日中戦争 Second Sino-Japanese War
1941 太平洋戦争 Pacific War





日本国民は、正義と秩序を基調とする国際平和を誠実に希求し、国権の発動たる戦争と、武力による威嚇又は武力の行使は、国際紛争を解決する手段としては、永久にこれを放棄する。 ② 前項の目的を達するため、陸海空軍その他の戦力は、これを保持しない。 国の交戦権は、これを認めない。













「1854年3月13日 アメリカからの贈り物を届ける」『ペリー提督日本遠征記』(MIT Visualizing Cultures https://visualizingcultures.mit.edu/より「1854年3月13日 アメリカからの贈り物を届ける」『ペリー提督日本遠征記』(MIT Visualizing Cultures https://visualizingcultures.mit.edu/より



福澤諭吉(1864)『西洋事情 初編』口絵(慶應義塾大学メディアセンターデジタルコレクションより https://dcollections.lib.keio.ac.jp/ja/fukuzawa/a02/3福澤諭吉(1864)『西洋事情 初編』口絵(慶應義塾大学メディアセンターデジタルコレクションよりhttps://dcollections.lib.keio.ac.jp/ja/fukuzawa/a02/3









 とはいえ、憲法が変わったからといって人々の心情や組織文化などが急激に変わったとは言えません。人々の集団主義(これは特に戦時中に強化されました)やヒエラルキカルな文化は、会社や家族などの日本の組織には残りました。1950年代から80年代までの日本の急速な経済成長の背後には、官僚制を中心として日本社会が集団して機能するそのような組織文化があったとする議論もあります。そのことはJapan Inc,(日本株式会社)などと言われました。





2021年における日本とアイルランドのジェンダーギャップの分野別のスコア(データ:World Economic Forum 2021年における日本とアイルランドのジェンダーギャップの分野別のスコア(データ:World Economic Forum "The Global Gender Gap Report 2022")













ワイドショーで「ス」のカタカナに擬する安倍晋三総理(当時) 日本テレビ『スッキリ!!』2013年4月17日オンエアワイドショーで「ス」のカタカナに擬する安倍晋三総理(当時)=日本テレビ『スッキリ!!』2013年4月17日オンエア










Japan’s Call -how we have answered, and how we will answer-

Iwao Osaka

Thank you for the introduction. Firstly, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Iwao Osaka. I am an Associate Professor at Komazawa University, Tokyo, Japan. I was born in Kyushu, an island in the southern part of Japan. When I was 20 years old, I went to Tokyo, entering Waseda University to study for a degree in German literature but quit my studies there to gain a little business experience. I then re-entered university - this time, the University of Tokyo , and graduated in Law (Political Science). After receiving a master's degree in Law, I was appointed assistant professor in political communication there. I am currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science within the Faculty of Law at Komazawa University. I am the author of “NIHON SEIJI TO MEDHIA -Japanese Politics and the Media” and co-author of “TEREBI SEIJI -Television and Politics” and the textbook, “Political Science” published by the University of Tokyo Press .

As Dr KODATE mentioned in his introduction, this is my second visit in Ireland. I came here 40 years ago and lived in Rathgar for about two months, then went to London and attended a local secondary school there for about a year. The reason I came to Ireland was the work of my late father, Emeritus Professor Osamu Osaka. My father was a professor of English Literature at Kyushu University, with a special interest in Anglo-Irish Literature and writers, poets and playwrights of Irish origin, and was one of the founders of the Yeats Society in Japan. He also translated Brendan Behan's “Confessions of an Irish Rebel” into Japanese. He took a sabbatical here at UCD and University College London with our family in 1979.

My hobbies are theatre, rugby, and cooking. I like both watching, playing and eating! I saw Brian Friel’s play Translations in Galway last year. It was fantastic. And I, myself, performed a play in a pub in Dublin in October which was very fun as well. As to rugby, I played that game for 10 years in my primary and junior high, and high schools and in London as well. And as I have come to the world’s best rugby country, I often go to Leinster games and others. I saw the Six Nations’ Ireland versus France game two weeks ago in the pub and at the public viewing site at the Aviva Stadium. Hearing “Ireland’s Call” with my own ears - fascinating! And I know, UCD have produced a lot of good players, such as Keenan, Porter, Ryan, and of course Ringrose. I am very proud of being here, the incubator of Irish rugby, as a visiting professor.

Perhaps related to my love of rugby and theatre, I am studying political communications of Japanese politics. Political communication is a field that observes and studies how the public, media and political elites communicate or engage with each other. It covers the activities of politicians and political parties, public opinion and propaganda, and the media and their influence and so on, but I am particularly interested in how the public, the media and political elites communicate or interact with each other. In this sense, I am a “fight-watcher” and a “theatre critic” of Japanese politics.

As I have written about the recent campaigns of those three actors of Japanese politics, in English – writings which you can access at Brightspace – and today I would like to take a broad view and talk briefly about the challenges which Japanese politics has been grappling with in recent times.

Politics confronts both foreign and domestic challenges. Therefore, I would like to talk about the history of foreign and domestic issues in Japanese politics, as well as about Japanese journalism, which is currently undergoing major changes.

As you can see from this map, historically relations with China have been particularly important for Japan. China was the superpower of East Asia in the Pre-Modern era. Neighbouring countries were either militarily dominated, or treated as “retainers”, by China. Domination was not only military but also cultural and ethical. It was in China that writing, Chinese characters, and paper - the basis of civilization - were invented, and the grand theory of Confucianism - which would also have a significant influence on Japan – was conceived.

As Nobuko-sensei explained to us, we use three sets of characters in Japan: Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana. Kanji is the Japanese version of the Chinese characters. Hiragana and Katakana were also created from Kanji. At first, we used the same sounding Chinese letters to represent Japanese words. But we gradually changed Kanji characters to the Hiragana and the Katakana of today.

As Professor Neary pointed out, Japanese people were also heavily influenced by Confucianism. The Samurai's ethics in the Edo period were based on Confucianism. We have also imported various political systems from ancient times. However, it is interesting to note that all of Confucianism, political systems , and others are heavily localized, Japanized, as the Hiragana and Katakana.

By contrast with the experience of other nations in the region , Japan was never dominated militarily by China. Indeed, Japan sometimes challenged and attempted to invade China. During the Ming dynasty in China, around the 13th to the 15th century, Japanese pirates raided and plundered the Chinese coast, and in the 1570s Toyotomi Hideyoshi, after unifying Japan, sent troops to the Korean peninsula to dominate China. Although Hideyoshi’s attempt failed, Japan was sometimes a challenger, and at other times subservient to China.

In the eyes of China, on the other hand, the Japan of that time was considered a barbarian country. An encyclopedia of Ming dynasty described the Japanese as naked, sword-holding savages . In fact, this description of naked Japanese is somewhat accurate. These paintings by Katsushika Hokusai show that the common people of Japan worked and lived nearly naked. This custom remained, I think, in the generation of my grandfathers, and even today we all bathe naked together in hot springs and public baths. Sumo wrestling, a typical Japanese sport, is also performed almost naked, and we also have many “naked” festivals. Let's take a look at a festival in my home town of Fukuoka in Kyushu, Japan.

As the last speaker from Taiwan in the footage said about the Samurai spirit, some kind of barbarianism or war-like sprits, may still remain in Japanese people. However, this cultural trait was considered embarrassing by China and Korea, and was a reason why Japan was viewed as inferior and uncivilised.

This perception and relationship continued for thousands of years, but there was a major change in the second half of the 19th century, when we came into regular and sustained contact with the West . While China, confident in its own ways, showed some resistance to modernise, Japan quickly accepted it and achieved rapid modernisation.

Japan then fought China for control over the Korean peninsula and won in 1895. This was a huge change in the East Asian world, as a country perceived by China as barbarian had defeated a “superpower” there. Japan also fought and won against Russia in 1904-1905. This was the first victory by an Oriental over a Western power and was greatly appreciated by the Asian people, who were suffering from Western domination. Japan also participated in World War I, defeating German soldiers in China.

However, Japan colonised Korea in 1910 and subsequently invaded north-east China (Manchuria). In the 1930s it established a puppet state (“Manchukuo”) in Manchuria, and in 1937 Japan finally began to a full invasion into China – rather as Russia in 2014 first invaded the Crimean Peninsula and more recently mainland Ukraine.

After the invasion of mainland China, Japan finally started a war against the USA, and invaded the East and South-East Asian colonies of Britain and the Netherlands in 1941, occupying French Indochina nearer the end of Word War II.

At first, we won. We took possession of the British-controlled Malaya and Singapore and sank the Prince of Wales. But the situation turned bad soon after, and in 1945, shortly after the atomic bombs destroyed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrendered unconditionally.

Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.

In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

After defeat, Japan was occupied by the United Nations, led by the Americans, and became a pacifist state. Under US influence, we amended the Constitution. And Article 9 of the new Constitution abolished the armed forces and denied the right of belligerency. At the time, the people were tired of war and supported this idea. In exchange for allowing the US military to establish frontline bases on our territory, Japan received security guarantees that it would be protected by the US.

Constitution of Japan Article 9. RENUNCIATION OF WAR;

Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.

In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

As the Cold War progressed, Japan also created a military organisation, called the Self-Defense Forces of Japan, but it did not possess any 'offensive' weapons, such as long-range missiles, for the purpose of self-defence only. Japan chose to leave security to the US and concentrate on the economy. Later, by the end of the 1960s, that defeated country, Japan had grown into one of the world's leading economic powers.

But times have changed: the Cold War ended. Since then, the world has become disorderly. With the rise of China and India, the relative power of the US has been decreasing, and as a military force, the US can no longer commit itself to the world in its entirety. The power of the West has also weakened.

As for Japan, China, Russia, and a nuclear weapons-equipped North Korea are the primary sources of concern. Having adopted a socialist market economy, China rapidly increased its economic power in the 1980s and 90s. And with its growing economic power, China is thought to be expanding its territorial ambitions. We see many territorial conflicts between China and neighboring countries, including Japan. Tensions with Taiwan are also clearly increasing.

In addition, Russia and Japan have had territorial disputes since World War II and have not signed a peace treaty yet. Putin's recent invasion of Ukraine, which took place in this context, along with the rise of China, has come as a great shock to the Japanese people. The Japanese are beginning to think seriously about our national security, perhaps for the first time since the end of the war.

To counter China, Japan is trying to form alliances with countries that share the values of liberal democracy, including defense agreements with Australia and New Zealand - not to mention the US - and to foster a deepening relationship with India. Some Japanese argue that we must amend the Constitution to have a regular army, and some even say that Japan should have nuclear weapons.

However, China is our largest trading partner. So, maintaining peaceful relations is vital for both sides. So stabilising East Asia and establishing a peaceful atmosphere in that region are the great challenge for Japanese diplomacy.

Let us now turn to internal politics. What was the main challenge facing Japan in the domestic political sphere? We can say that it is the creation of a modern nation-state with a prosperous society.

The encounter with the modern West was the tipping point: as Dr. Downey explained, in the 1850s, Commodore Matthew Perry came from the USA and forced the country's opening through gunboat diplomacy.

This picture shows Perry handing over his presents to the Japanese Samurai at Yokohama in 1854. The Samurai were interested in the telegraph and a miniature steam locomotive. At this moment, the Samurai realised that the power of steam and electricity united the world.

The Samurai learned of this global communication revolution with energy and electricity uniting the world as one. They put down their swords and began to build a modern state: rapid modernisation with the objective “Survive and Resist” started in Japan.

This picture is from the cover of a book entitled “Seiyo Jijo” (Western Affairs), written by Yukichi Fukuzawa, a young samurai scholar introduced by Dr. Downey last week. This book was first published in 1866 and became a bestseller, selling over 200,000 copies. The cover illustration shows a world connected by telegraph (like the internet) and the steam engine expanding global communication. The text reads: “Steam helps people, electricity tells the truth, the world is one house, and people are brothers.”

The Japanese Government sent young scholars to the West to learn not only technology, but also many other things, including political systems and ideas. On their return to Japan, they became leaders in their fields and worked hard to modernise Japan.

In order to revise unequal treaties, it was necessary to modernise the political and legal systems and be acknowledged by the powers as a modern nation. In 1889, Japan made a constitution – commonly referred to as the “Meiji Constitution ” – in which the State was designated a constitutional monarchy. It gave the Emperor (Tennō, or Mikado), the same status as kings in the West, and it established Shintoism as the State religion , as , for example, the Anglican Church had in the United Kingdom . The Tennō was made the Head of State but also the Shinto God.

Meanwhile, a bicameral parliament - a two chamber parliament with an Upper House and a Lower House - was also created. The Tennō was the head of state, but the budget and laws required the approval of Parliament; of the two Houses, the KIZOKU-IN was the House of Peers, nominated by the Tennō, while members of the SHUGI-IN, House of Representatives, were elected. Initially, only rich men who paid a lot of tax were given the right to vote for the SHUGI-IN, but the tax requirement was eventually reduced and universal male suffrage was achieved in 1923. In the context of these democratic changes, the Prime Minister, constitutionally appointed directly by the Tennō, was replaced by a leader of the party having a majority in the SHUGI-IN. Through this reform, a parliamentary cabinet model was largely established – albeit not a complete version of that model.

However, during the global recession that began in the late 1920s, Japan's attempts as a young mass liberal democracy failed. The “clean” and powerful military received more public support than the “dirty” legislators – a development somewhat comparable to that in Germany at the time. It was around this time that the Japanese military invaded Manchuria and subsequently launched a full-scale invasion of China . The Japanese people and the Japanese media supported these events enthusiastically. They believed the army's propaganda that it was for the survival of Imperial Japan. However, as I told you, we eventually started to fight the Allies and were defeated.

After the defeat, the Constitution was amended during the US occupation, and we adopted three basic principles: sovereign power resides in the people; respect for fundamental human rights; and pacifism. I have referred to the external factors caused by this constitutional change, but domestic politics also changed dramatically. The Emperor issued a 'Declaration of Humanity', saying he was not a god, and became a symbol of national unity. And Shintoism ceased its association with the State.

The aristocracy was abolished, and the KIZOKU-IN disappeared. The Prime Minister was elected solely by Parliament. Women were given the right to vote, and a complete democracy was constitutionally established.

Under this new democratic regime, the people in Japan started to rebuild their lives destroyed by the war. People focused on the economy. They formed various voluntary organisations and politics developed based on these organisations. The wealth generated by factories in coastal areas of the Pacific was distributed to rural areas. In the 1960s, the Liberal Democratic Party established a one-party dominant system, and political stability was achieved. Please read my article on Brightspace for more information regarding the LDP's politics and subsequent changes. In this manner, Japan became the world's second-largest economic power in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

But one cannot say that people's feelings and the culture of society changed quickly because of the change in the Constitution. Popular collectivism, which was pushed even more during the war, and the culture of having a hierarchy remained entrenched in Japanese society, companies and families. Some people say that Japan's fast economic growth from the 1950s to the 1980s was due to a culture of organisation in which Japanese society worked as a whole, with the bureaucracy at the center. ‘Japan Inc.’ was the name for this.

But after reaching its peak in 1990s, Japan has entered a long period of stagnation. The economy has averaged very low growth rates for three decades, and recently the population began to decline.

One of the reasons for this is that our organizational culture is a barrier. A traditional culture that is male-centric, hierarchical, and respectful of elders rejects the notion of women holding positions of power and causes society to reject the changes that are demanded by younger generations. The gender index of the World Economic Forum (WEF) has pointed out the inability of women in Japan to attain high political positions and the more limited economic participation and opportunities for Japanese women. The strange female images in Japanese anime and manga are caricatures of Japanese women, who are frequently forced to play the “kawaii” (“cute”) role.

As Dr. Kodate mentioned last week, Japan's population is declining, which may give rise to the aspect of organizational culture that prioritises the voices of the elderly rather than those of the younger generations.

In this regard, the challenge for the survival of Japanese society is to transition from a vertical, hierarchical society to one that is horizontal, flat, open, and diverse - one that could reflect the voices of the various sections of the population.

Of course, it is a very delicate issue: as we saw from the Yamakasa festival footage, male dominance is firmly rooted in customs. It also has a relationship with some of the cultural fundamentals, including the language, that Nobuko-sensei explained to us, such as Keigo and the differences between male and female speech and so on.

We can also find the same difficulty in the Japanese media and journalism. Printing has a long history in Japan. The oldest printed material preserved in Japan is a Buddhist scripture of 1500 years ago, which is one of the world's oldest paper printings.

With magazines and ukiyo-e (Japanese woodblock prints), a publishing culture flourished, particularly during the Edo period. Ordinary people purchased or borrowed many books and magazines from bookstores. As souvenirs for plays and journeys, people purchased ukiyo-e. And some newspapers began to be published on an occasional basis, though they could not engage in political criticism. They were known as “Kawaraban”. Kawaraban rarely used colors; they were just black ink on white paper to print news quickly. The replicas of Kawaraban that you see are all actual sizes. One tells the story of brothers who successfully took revenge on their father, and others cover wars.

Modern newspapers covering politics and published daily developed in the Meiji era. I bring some replicas of old Japanese newspapers as well. One of them is the Jiji Shimpo, published by Fukuzawa Yukichi. Japanese newspaper journalism had a degree of freedom in the 1920s. But by the 1930s, with the rise of the military and a shift in public opinion, they became flatterers or advocates of the state, like those of Russia and China today.

After the war, they became free but still tended to disseminate what the administration wanted to report. In this respect, they also reflect the hierarchical nature of postwar society. Japanese newspapers are still very much “men's organisations”.

On the other hand, Japanese television, which began in the 1950s, is characterised by fierce competition for ratings, with one public broadcaster and five commercial TV stations. This intense competition for ratings led to the phenomena of Japanese-style entertainment, such as animes and variety programs. This fierce competition extends to news programs. And to gain ratings, they began to add music and sound effects to news footage and even to use puppets of politicians. Political news has also become entertainment, and the politicians who deal with it have a hard time. For more information on this topic, please see my paper.

However, this hierarchical society and the attitudes of the people who support it are slowly changing as generations change. At the Tokyo Olympics held in 2021, the head of the organising committee, who made sexist remarks about women, was forced to resign by pressure from public opinion expressed via the Internet. The government is also showing a certain understanding towards problems faced in raising children and issues affecting LGBTQ people. This may reflect the awareness of those who believe that Japanese society needs to change.

And giving strength to this movement is of course the development of the Internet, especially the spread of social media in recent years. The Internet is making popular opinion visible and destroying traditional hierarchical forms of information distribution in Japan. Certainly, social media generates problems, such as fake news and the rise of far-right activities. But I still believe Japan is gradually transforming into a more diverse, open, and flat society.

I know this is a huge historical challenge, but we have the evidence in a “forerunner”. That is rugby. In rugby, as you know, if you are a member of a regional team for three years, you can join the national team there. Players who have dedicated their lives to their team for three years are considered to be on an equal footing with their native team-mates. So , by contrast with Japanese national teams in other sports, the national rugby team includes players from a diverse range of nationalities and ethnicities.

The Japanese national rugby team developed their individual skills and initiative, as well as focusing on team play. With that increased diversity, we could win the world's strongest rugby team at the last World Cup four years ago, and as of now, the “Brave Blossoms” rank 10th in the world.

When I was playing rugby in London forty years ago, the Japanese team was very weak. We were defeated by Scotland 0-120. However, Japan’s national rugby team has now welcomed diversity, established a flat organizational structure, developed individual and team strength, and become strong and creative. Above all, our play is fun to watch. And I believe they are the forerunners of Japanese society in the future.

This year the Rugby World Cup will be held in August. If you are interested in Japan's upcoming challenges, you should observe the rugby matches first. And, just to mention it, you don’t have to wait until August, as the Japan National High School Rugby team will visit Dublin next month, in March. They will have a number of games in Dublin. The schedule is here. I'm curious why they wouldn't play with us, Ireland's rugby incubator. Maybe they are planning it right now. But in any case, please come and watch – and cheer on - these youngsters facing their challenge, before you go to the World Cup and to Japan.

Thank you very much.